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Ogloblina Marina Evgenievna - Russian Criminal

26.02.2020 12:18

Read this text in Russian

Имя: Marina
Фамилия : Ogloblina
Отчество : Evgenievna
Должность : Advisor to the Governor of the Moscow region (with the rank of minister)


Об этом сообщает Роспрес

In 1975 she graduated from secondary school No. 18 in Cheryomushki and entered the Moscow Finance Institute at the Faculty of Finance and Economics, graduating in 1980 with honors.

From September 1980 to May 1982, she worked in the Russian Republican office of the State Bank as an economist in the management of lending to transport, communications and the construction industry.

Since 1988, she worked as a senior and chief inspector-inspector at the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR KRU in Zheleznodorozhny and Proletarsky districts of Moscow.

In the years 1993-1996. Worked as deputy head of the financial department of the Southern Administrative District of the capital.

From 1996 to 2003 — Deputy Head — Head of Budget Planning and City Order of Moscow.

Since 2003 — Head of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of Moscow.

December 29, 2010 appointed Minister of the Government of Moscow, head of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the city for the term of office of the mayor.

In 2012-2013 years. Headed the Main Control Department of Moscow.

In March 2013, she was appointed Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region.

At present, an adviser (in the rank of minister) of the governor of the Moscow region Vorobyev A.Yu. On construction issues.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Public Finance, Accounting and Audit, Moscow State University of Management of the Moscow Government.

Merits of ME Ogloblina are awarded with a number of state and city awards and honorary titles: the medal "In Memory of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow", "Honorary Economist of the City of Moscow, Honored Economist of the Russian Federation", Honorary Certificate of the Government of Moscow, Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in Science and Technology 2009.


The Minister of the Government of Moscow arranged an accident.

The accident occurred on Saturday evening in the south-west of Moscow.

The government car "Audi A8" with the numbers of the "AMO" series rode along Sevastopol Avenue in the direction of Perekopskaya Street.

Marina Ogloblina was in the passenger seat of foreign cars.

In the area of ​​the house number 67, the driver of the representative "Audi" braked directly on a dedicated lane for public transport to land an official.

At that moment, the driver of the LiAZ bus, which was traveling next, did not have time to stop and crashed into a foreign car.

- The blow fell in the rear bumper "Audi", nor Marina Evgenievna, nor other participants in the accident were harmed, "Life News told law enforcement.

After the clash, Marina Ogloblina did not wait for the arrival of the policemen and went about her business.

LifeNews.Ru, December 25, 2011

Marina Ogloblina, the only major official who survived after the resignation of Yuri Luzhkov, the head of the Moscow Main Department for Control, was appointed Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region.

Intrigue event is given by the fact that the son of the new construction minister Mikhail Ogloblin is the owner and CEO of OOO RAST, a medium-sized development company. And now the business of Mikhail Ogloblin was in the orbit of his mother’s influence. And it may happen that disgruntled investors will come to Marina Evgenievna to complain about the long-term and unfulfilled obligations of her son’s company. Apartments and townhouses in LCD "Aristovo-Mitino", erected "RAST" 10 km from MKAD on Pyatnitskoye highway, two years ago were sold as hot cakes.

NEWS2.ru, March 15, 2013

The bankruptcy of developers and multi-year buildings of residents of the Moscow region (and Odintsovo in particular) is not surprising. But the case with the "Marino-Story" and "Story-plus" is unique in that, according to media reports, both companies are the same businessman Mikhail OGLOBLIN. He is the director of OOO RAST, which acts as a co-investor and general contractor of both projects, and personally periodically visits meetings with co-investors to make further promises.

For the first time, OOO RAST fell into the spotlight when in 2011 it received 10 hectares of land from the Federal Housing Development Assistance Fund for the construction of the Aristovo-Mitino LCD. In this case, the company had only one employee and the authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles!

But large-scale construction activity Mikhail Ogloblin deployed at a time when his mother Marina OGLOBLINA held the post of minister of the construction complex of the Moscow region. Prior to joining the regional government in 2013, she held positions in the Moscow City Hall for several years. In the opinion of co-investors, largely thanks to her, Mikhail Ogloblin received one permission after another, not coping with existing projects.

Odintsovo.INFO, October 18, 2016

In Moscow, the struggle continues with businessmen who use the labor of illegal migrants. Recently, employees of the Main Investigation Department (GUS) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow asked the Moscow City Court for the arrest of eight alleged organizers of illegal migration (Part 2, Article 322.1 of the Criminal Code). However, unexpectedly the judges refused the investigators in their petition. Thus, the Tver court of Moscow did not arrest the head of the development company "RAST" Mikhail Ogloblin, who is suspected of organizing illegal migration. He is accused of delivering illegal workers to his construction sites in the metropolitan region.

Experts draw attention to the fact that during the checks, 78 foreign citizens were found who violated the migration legislation. It would seem that after this Mikhail Ogloblin’s fault in using illegal labor could easily be proved.

However, the court and the prosecutor’s office literally "stood up for" Mikhail Ogloblin. It is possible that the head of "RATST" could avoid arrest, since he is the son of the minister of the construction complex of the Moscow Region Marina Ogloblina. In business circles, it has already been mentioned that Minister Ogloblin could trivialize his son using his connections in the government.

Why does Minister Ogloblin not notice the "dubious construction"? It is rumored that Marina Ogloblina can "patronize" the leadership of "RAST". In any case, officials responsible for the construction sector, according to experts, "through the fingers" look at the obvious violations of this company. This was told to the press by a representative of real estate business.

Rucompromat.ru, May 21, 2015

By the way, the fact that "RAST" easily receives land for building in both Moscow and the Moscow region, experts say, can be explained by the fact that the minister of the construction complex of the Moscow region government Marina Ogloblina previously worked in the Moscow City Hall where she There are many connections.

In the Moscow government, she consistently posts the head of the department of budget planning and city order, the head of the department for economic policy and development of the city and the head of the main control department.

She was dismissed from the post of Minister of the Government of the capital, head of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the city in April 2012. It is interesting that in December 2011 Marina Ogloblina on a limousine left for the public traffic zone and collided with a passenger bus. Then public figures were extremely indignant at this incident. And soon after "against the background of the elections," Sobyanin "removed" the scandalous minister from the government.

Experts point out that serious problems arose in the construction complex near Moscow. For example, she promised that deceived interest holders in Noginsk will receive the keys to the apartments in the fourth quarter of 2014, but this was not performed.

The Moscow Post, 05/21/2015

The Minister of the building complex and housing and communal services of the Moscow region Marina Ogloblina resigned. About this "Yoda" said a source familiar with the situation. According to him, the construction complex near Moscow will be headed by Leonid Monosov, the father of former deputy Ogloblina Andrey Monosov.

According to the source, Marina Ogloblina wrote a resignation on Friday, May 22, four days after the arrest of her son. Before that, she was on vacation. In relation to her son, the head of the construction company Mikhail Ogloblin, several criminal cases were instituted on fraud.

In turn, from the Moscow government Marina Ogloblina was dismissed because of her father, who is also a major player in the Moscow construction market and builds capital’s kindergartens, the source said. However, little is known about Eugene Ogloblin’s activities. In addition, Marina Ogloblin is considered to be one of the last representatives of the team of the ex-mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov. In the financial and economic block of the mayor’s office, the official worked for about 20 years.

"Iodine", May 25, 2015

"A young businessman is the son of the minister of the construction complex of the Moscow region, and in the past the Minister of the Moscow Government, the head of the Department for Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow, Marina E. Evgenievna Ogloblina. Hopes were not justified ... At all the objects the situation unfolds according to the same scenario: the developer in a short time builds monolithic skeletons of future houses, which helps to increase sales, then the construction in fact stops. The scheme of the developer’s work resembles the creation of a building pyramid. According to the constituent documents of LLC "StroyPlus", LLC "MarinoStroy" OOO "Fregat" and others Ogloblin MA Does not pass, however repeatedly visited meetings with interest-holders, where it was represented as the owner of this construction business.

In our LCD there is an amazing situation, we share holders continue to deceive and leave without apartments the son of the governor’s adviser in the rank of minister Ogloblina ME, who until last year held the post of minister of the construction complex of the Moscow region. We, co-investors, have every reason to believe that it is for this reason that the inspections of the Prosecutor’s Office and the Ministry of Construction do not reveal violations, despite the fact that the construction costs. Workers at all construction sites are not present or are present in insufficient quantity (6 — 10 workers at a huge construction site). Repeated appeals to Moskomstroyinvest, New Territories Development Department, TiAAO Prefecture, Local Authorities, etc. Ignored, no measures of influence to the developer are applied, the construction is not renewed. The reports that the developer provides are not true. In letters from the executive authorities write an increased number of workers, construction is slow because of lack of funding from the developer and lack of sales. The question arises: "Where is the money of the co-investors who purchased the apartments earlier?"

In our difficult times hundreds and thousands of our fellow citizens are victims of fraud in completely different areas. It’s terrible that it becomes commonplace. So, the participants in the shared construction of our LCD got to the "network" due to the fact that they believed in the good faith and responsibility of the persons who are the actual owners of the Developer.

After all, for investors, the guarantee of reliability was the fact that the owner of their construction, in which they invested, often the last, savings, is Mikhail Ogloblin — a young businessman, the son of an adviser to the Governor of the Moscow region in the rank of minister, and previously head of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the city Moscow Marina Ogloblina. Hopes were not justified. On the contrary, the construction of the LC "Sports Quarter" is actually frozen, and "family ties" make the owner of the object virtually unsinkable. The equity holders have every reason to believe that it is bureaucratic "mutual responsibility" that underlies the fact that inspections of the Prosecutor’s Office and the Control Committee in the field of shared construction do not reveal violations, despite the fact that the work on the site is not actually carried out, as evidenced by Other, the data of the inspection, carried out by the Prosecutor’s Office of Moscow. Workers at the construction site, we can say that there is (6 — 10 people on a huge construction site in 15 buildings). There are cases in which the worker’s foot has not stepped for more than a year. Already the next winter has come, and houses that are not connected to heat and water for a year, and in the gaping sockets of non-glazed windows a severe Moscow snowstorm sweeps snowdrifts.

Compromat.ws, 11/12/2016

The very fact of distribution of the federal land in the near Moscow region to a company that does not have its own assets or funds seems strange to me, "said Konstantin Kuzmik, chairman of the New Aristovo company. It should be noted that the case against Rast was initiated by the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow in 2014 for part 1 of Art. 322.1 of the Criminal Code. Even then, the siloviki suspected that Ogloblin was importing illegal migrants to the construction site. In the course of the inspections, 78 foreign citizens were found who violated the migration legislation. However, then the prosecutor’s office and the court, as the market participants say, simply "stood up for" Ogloblin ... He was not even arrested. It was said that Ogloblin’s mother otzazala his son. About 800 deceived sharers, who repeatedly threatened to go to the rally — they have nothing more to do.

In October 2016 they left and people were finally heard. It was necessary to do it, as the promises of Ogloblin’s mother — Marina "to get the keys to the apartments in the fourth quarter of 2014". Also, the official "lied" that by 2014 will provide housing for all waiting veterans. The promise was not fulfilled on time. So, why did not Oglovlin have any special questions?

The fact is that he is the offspring of the Minister of the building complex of the Moscow Region, and in the past the Minister of the Moscow Government, the head of the Department for Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow, Marina E. Evgenievna Ogloblina. She was dismissed in 2015. After that, the businessman could do nothing with impunity. According to the constituent documents of LLC "StroyPlus", LLC "MarinoStroy", LLC "Fregat" and other companies Ogloblin MA Does not pass, however repeatedly visited meetings with interest-holders, where it was represented as the owner of this construction business. But after the case of migrants in 2015, Ogloblin still had questions. Now the siloviki are checking the version by which Mikhail Ogloblin received the contracts, thanks to his mother from the ministry.

Kompromata.net, February 7, 2017