Nazarov Andrey Gennadievich - Russian Criminal
26.02.2020 12:18Biography:
Об этом сообщает Футляр от виолончели
In 1998 he was elected to the city council of Sibay in 11 constituencies.
From 1998 to 2004 he headed the Representative Office of the Republic of Bashkortostan in Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region.
From 2001 to 2006 he was chairman of the board of the Bashkir Trade and Industry Union.
In 2003 he was elected to the State Assembly — the Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
In 2005 he was elected chairman of the Association of Entrepreneurship Organizations of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
In April 2006, he was appointed head of the Center for Strategic Research under the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
From 2007 to 2011 — Member of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
In 2010, he was appointed coordinator of the NGO "Center for Social and Conservative Policy" of the party "United Russia" in the Privolzhsky Federal District.
Since December 23, 2011 — special representative of the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan for investment cooperation.
From 2014 to the present — Co-chairman of the All-Russian public organization "Business Russia".
Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Group of Companies "Granel" (investment, construction, development).
So let us turn to these very archives. According to them, in 1986 the Sibaysky GOVD for Andrei Nazarov was opened criminal case 0024219 on two articles of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR — 117 (rape) and 206 (hooliganism). The investigation went on for almost two years and then the case was transferred to the Baimak District People’s Court of the Bashkir USSR. If someone thinks that there was no corruption at the time of the Soviets, then he is mistaken. Its manifestation is the verdict of Andrei Nazarov. The court found him guilty, but he imposed an extremely mild punishment-three years of imprisonment with a probation period of one year.
Behind the numbers of articles of the Criminal Code is a human tragedy. Three drunken thugs, including Nazarov, grabbed a pedagogical college student on the street, beat her, dragged her to a cellar where she was raped. The whole life of the girl was broken. 01/31/2018
The events of 20 years ago: a victim of group rape, a resident of the Sibay district of Bashkortostan Gulnara Gaisina, told Karaulova how in 1986 she, a student of a pedagogical school, three people, including Nazarov, was beaten and raped in the cellar ... And the deputy concealed, in the opinion of the woman, this terrible fact in his biography, "destroyed, using communications, criminal case number 0024219". 01/15/2018
On the 8th of November, the Bashkir town of Sibai became the hot spot of the planet: here indignant citizens demanded at the rally the issue of wage arrears ...
Although the meeting was held near the reception of United Russia, this party as such was not of much interest to the protesters. The place of action was chosen because the name of the deputy of the State Duma, Andrei Nazarov, appears on the signboard of the reception room. It was he who declared the people left without money the culprit of their calamities. The fact is that Andrei Nazarov is closer to the Siberians than the entire State Duma together. He lived here, studied, from here he was elected to the parliament of Bashkiria, and then, according to the list of United Russia, to the State Duma. And, most importantly, before the deputy office was engaged in business here. The local commercial and industrial holding in the public consciousness is still connected with his name. And "Bashmedstroy", which owes a lot to its employees, is just part of that holding ...
After all, Bashmedstroy LLC was established in 2006 not by Nazarov, but by absolutely other people to whom the deputy ... I would like to say "has nothing to do", but this is contradicted by a document in which among the founders of "Bashmedstroy" are Svetlana Gennadyevna Nigmatullina and Ilshat Anvar Nigmatullin. And it’s no secret to anyone in Sibai that it’s not people who are not strangers to Andrei Gennadievich: the sister and the son-in-law.
"New Newspaper". 22.12.2008
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Predprinimatel’ iz goroda Sibay (Bashkiriya) prosit ogradit’ yego ot gryaznykh makhinatsiy, v kotoryye, po yego slovam, yego vtyagivayet deputat Gosdumy Andrey Nazarov. Ob etom govoritsya v zayavlenii general’nomu prokuroru Rossiyskoy Federatsii Yuriyu Chayke ot finansovogo direktora OOO "BashStroyMontazh" Mal’tseva Aleksandra Stanislavovicha.
"Nazarov A.G. skazal, chto nado pomoch’ nashemu zemlyaku, byvshemu nachal’niku GAI g.Sibaya — Shagiyevu Nuryakhmatu Nurykhanovichu, kotoryy v nastoyashcheye vremya otbyvayet nakazaniye v kolonii za ubiystvo prokurora g.Sibaya Karachurina…
V kontse sentyabrya ya priyekhal v Moskvu, gde pri vstreche poluchil ot Nazarova A.G. 100 tysyach rubley, a takzhe ustnyye instruktsii o tom, chto ya dolzhen doyekhat’ do g.Pechory Respubliki Komi i popast’ tam v ITK-49, gde otbyvayet srok Shagiyev…
Nazarov skazal, chto ya dolzhen snova yekhat’ v Pechoru i ob"yasnit’ Shagiyevu N.N., chto bumagi on dolzhen napisat’ sobstvennoruchno, on dolzhen priznat’sya v nikh, chto deystvitel’no yavlyalsya lish’ svyazuyushchim zvenom mezhdu ispolnitelyami ubiystva prokurora Karachurina i zakazchikom dannogo prestupleniya. Shagiyev N.N. dolzhen napisat’, chto zakazchikom dannogo ubiystva yavlyalsya Sarbayev R.S., kotoryy obeshchal pomoch’ yemu posle vsego, no do nastoyashchego vremeni ne sdelal nichego"
«Regnum». 21.04.2009.
Respublikanskiye SMI schitayut Nazarova initsiatorom informatsionnoy ataki na prem’yer-ministra Bashkirii Railya Sarbayeva…. V dekabre togo zhe goda deputaty Gosdumy ot Bashkirii, v chisle kotorykh byl i Nazarov, peredali v pravookhranitel’nyye organy zayavleniye byvshego nachal’nika GAI goroda Sibay Nuryakhmata Shagiyeva, v kotorom Sarbayev byl nazvan zakazchikom ubiystva v 2003 godu prokurora Sibaya Khanifa Karachurina…Pozzhe v respublikanskoy presse poyavilis’ soobshcheniya o tom, chto imenno Nazarov cherez posrednika vel peregovory s Shagiyevym, ugovarivaya yego zayavit’ na Sarbayeva v obmen na peresmotr prigovora. Poyavilis’ dazhe rasshifrovki zapisey peregovorov deputata s posrednikom. 26.10.2009
Kirovskiy rayonnyy sud Ufy priznal nedeystvitel’nym diplom o vtorom vysshem obrazovanii, vydannyy deputatu Gosdumy ot partii «Yedinaya Rossiya» Andreyu Nazarovu…V moment postupleniya v bashkirskiy vuz Nazarov predstavil diplom o pervom vysshem obrazovanii, poluchennyy v 1995 godu v Kazakhskoy gosudarstvennoy akademii upravleniya (teper’ – Kazakhskiy ekonomicheskiy universitet imeni Ryskulova). Predstavitel’ prokuratury predstavil sudu otvet na zapros prokurora, v kotorom govoritsya, chto Nazarov sredi vypusknikov KazGAU ne chislitsya. 26.10.2009
V 2009 godu UVD po Kirovskomu rayonu Ufy nachalo dosledstvennuyu proverku v otnoshenii Nazarova po podozreniyu v sovershenii im prestupleniya, predusmotrennogo stat’yey 327 UK RF (poddelka dokumentov). No Nazarov chelovek ochen’ ne bednyy, poetomu s dannoy problemoy on razobralsya. Sroki dosledstvennoy proverki neodnokratno prodlevalis’ poka v 2010 godu ne bylo prinyato resheniye otkazat’ v vozbuzhdeniye dela…
V anketnykh dannykh Nazarova v kachestve pervogo, bazovogo vysshego obrazovaniya figuriruyet diplom ZHB-11 № 0062051 ot 25.05.95, vydannyy v Kazakhstane po spetsial’nosti «Ekonomika i upravleniye v torgovle i obshchestvennom pitanii». Na ofitsial’nyy zapros iz Kazakhskogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta, nekogda nazyvavshegosya Alma-Atinskim institutom narodnogo obrazovaniya, prishel otvet, chto Nazarov Andrey Gennad’yevich v vypusknikakh ne chislitsya, diplom nomerom ZHB-11 № 0062051 yemu ne vydavalsya». Mezhdu tem deputat zashchitil kandidatskuyu dissertatsiyu, postoyanno povyshaya svoy obrazovatel’nyy uroven’. Vse eto i obrazuyet sostav prestupleniya poddelka dokumentov. . 31.01.2018
V kvartale Lukino goroda Balashikha kompaniya "Granel’ development" prokladyvayet gazoprovod vysokogo davleniya po chastnym ogorozhennym territoriyam. Dokumentov krome ordera — net. V ordere ukazany kadastrovyye kvartaly: 50:15:004 0302 /01 bez konkretnoy privyazki k mestnosti — kilometr vpravo, kilometr vlevo — kopay gde khochesh’. Kopayut po uchastkam 199, 265 266,192,203.V kvartale Lukino, tochneye severneye kvartala Lukino, okazyvayetsya planiruyetsya stroitel’stvo novogo mikroaryona ZHK «Alekseyevskaya roshcha», o chom zhiteli tozhe nedavno uznali, ved’ zemli otnosilis’ k sel’khozugodyam. Kak oni stali drugoy kategorii — vopros k prokurature…Sovet direktorov gruppy kompaniy «Granel’» vozglavlyayet izvestnyy bashkirskiy predprinimatel’ Il’shat Nigmatullin. Delovym partnerom g-na Nigmatullina schitayetsya drugoy izvestnyy v respublike predprinimatel’, a nyne — deputat Gosdumy Andrey Nazarov (chlen fraktsii «Yedinaya Rossiya», vitse-prezident «Delovoy Rossii»). V raznoye vremya gospoda Nigmatullin i Nazarov vozglavlyali Bashkirskiy torgovo-promyshlennyy soyuz.
Osnovnyye vladel’tsy OOO «Granel’ development» — Larisa Nazarova (45,2%), Svetlana Nigmatullina (45,2%), Yuriy Chistyakov (10%), Andrey Tsvet (5%).
glavbalashikha.rf 29.10.2012
Po odnoy versii, k "Graneli" teplo otnosyatsya, potomu chto ona pomogala vlastyam Moskovskoy oblasti spravlyat’sya s dolgostroyami. Drugaya versiya meneye blagorodna: osoboye otnosheniye mozhet byt’ svyazano s lichnost’yu predsedatelya soveta direktorov "Graneli" Andreya N
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азарова. Он был депутатом Госдумы в один срок с нынешним губернатором Подмосковья Андреем Воробьёвым. Будучи однопартийцами, Назаров и Воробьёв решали приблизительно одинаковый круг вопросов. Сейчас фирмами, составляющими костяк "Гранели", управляют сестра и зять Назарова — Светлана и Ильшат Нигматуллины. Долю в аффилированных с "Гранелью" компаниях имеет и супруга Назарова Лариса. Их сын находится на позиции топ-менеджера в нескольких родительских конторах. Такая близость к бизнесу не мешает ему работать депутатом в башкирском городе Сибай (оттуда родом его отец). Лайф. 26.02.2018 Подмосковным судам сама "Гранель" хорошо знакома. Почти сразу после того, как башкирский застройщик появился на местном рынке, в суды Московской области полетели иски. Жалуются обманутые дольщики, которым "Гранель" не предоставила вовремя квартиры, деловые партнёры, не дождавшиеся оплаты. Иногда даже чиновники. Судя по материалам дел, методы ведения бизнеса "Гранели" весьма разнообразны — от простого невыполнения обязательств до захвата чужого имущества… Гранель" вызвала немилость и у подмосковного строительного надзора. Он регулярно выдавал ей предписания за расхождения с проектом, отсутствие необходимых документов. Бывали и косяки посерьёзнее. В частности, выяснилось, что на начальном этапе строительства ЖК "Государев дом" около города Видное "Гранель" использовала более дешёвые стройматериалы, чем полагалось по проекту. Лайф. 26.02.2018 В России более 170 месторождений гранита, однако Москва закупает камень только в нескольких — 89% гранита для городских улиц производят три компании, владеющие гранитными месторождениями. При этом еще при Юрии Лужкове мэрия приобрела несколько месторождений гранита в Карелии и Хакасии. Принадлежали они городскому Московскому камнеобрабатывающему комбинату, который, однако, от правительства Собянина заказов почти не получал — в 2016 году предприятие поставило для программы «Моя улица» менее полутора тысяч квадратных метров гранитной плитки. С марта 2017 года комбинатом владеет компания «Гранель». Ее основной бизнес — девелоперский: «Гранель» строит жилые комплексы в Москве и Подмосковье (например, «Императорские Мытищи»); принадлежит компания выходцам из башкирского города Сибай, бывшему депутату Госдумы и сопредседателю ассоциации «Деловая Россия» Андрею Назарову и его бизнес-партнеру Ильшату Нигматуллину, которые владеют ТЦ и гостиницами в Магнитогорске и нескольких городах Башкирии. На судьбу месторождений, ранее принадлежавших Москве, смена владельца не повлияла; насколько можно судить, комбинат находится в предбанкротном состоянии. «МЕДУЗА». 19.10.2017 Знаменитая балерина Анастасия Волочкова на протяжении нескольких лет ездит в Башкирию со своими благотворительными концертами «Симфония добра», в которых принимают участие и местные ребятишки. В минувшем году Волочкова посетила Туймазы и Октябрьский, а в Уфе и Стерлитамаке выступила в новом амплуа — драматической актрисы, сыграв в комедии «Леди» вместе с Сергеем Астаховым и Андреем Харитоновым. Правда, в отличие от благотворительных концертов, спектакли с участием балерины особого успеха почему-то не имели — в Уфе постановку не отменили лишь благодаря помощи спонсоров, одним из которых стал известный бизнесмен и председатель Башкирского отделения Ассоциации юристов России Андрей Назаров. Сама балерина на своей страничке именует 46-летнего бизнесмена-юриста не иначе как «добрым другом». На спектакле Назаров замечен не был, но без внимания Волочкову не оставил. В финале комедии на сцену «Конгресс-холла» поднялась дама и, что-то шепнув Анастасии на ухо, вручила ей огромный букет белых роз. Ах, это от Андрея Геннадьевича? — громко переспросила балерина и, продемонстрировав букет залу, добавила. — Это — шедевр! На самом деле Андрей Геннадьевич Назаров — удивительный человек, благодаря которому состоялись все мои благотворительные концерты на вашей земле. Я ему очень благодарна. «Комсомольская правда-Уфа». 12.01.2018 Несколько лет назад супруга Андрея Назарова задекларировала доход в 69,7 миллиона рублей. Это в 60 раз больше, чем заработал её муж, и вдвое больше, чем "Гранель" задолжала фирме "СКГ". Та строила по заказу "Гранели" жилой комплекс в Мытищах. Теоретически невестка совладельца "Гранели" могла бы погасить этот долг из одного своего личного дохода. Однако девелопер тянет с оплатой работ вот уже больше полугода… Лайф нашёл ещё троих бизнесменов, которые похожим образом пострадали от "Гранели". Информацию о том, что "Гранель" практикует сомнительную схему, подтверждает и Андрей Мишустин, глава другой компании-подрядчика — "МИЗ-8". Он добавил: делается это специально. — Они берут аффилированные фирмы, заводят их на объект и через фирмы-прокладки заключают с подрядчиками договоры. Потом они банкротят эти аффилированные фирмы, — рассказал Лайфу Мишустин. — То есть даже если по деньгам всё будет нормально и все квартиры будут распроданы, а дом сдан, чтобы не доплачивать подрядчикам, они её банкротят. Компания Мишустина работала в ЖК "Валентиновка парк". Лайф. 26.02.2018 На Ялтинском форуме свои проекты рекламировали и другие застройщики. Среди них есть неоднозначная компания «Гранель». Это один из крупнейших застройщиков Московской области, в 2017 году компания заняла второе место по объёмам продаж. Тем не менее, подрядчики «Гранели» заявляют — денег они не видят. То есть всю работу выполняют, но оплату не получают… На данный момент крымские застройщики предполагают, что компания «Гранель» может повторить подмосковный сценарий и предложить достроить «Морской квартал» в Алуште или ещё какой-то из незавершённых проектов КСК. В этом случае застройщик получит отличный земельный участок и сможет работать на нём, как хочет. Казалось бы, что плохого? Появятся рабочие места на строительной площадке, люди получат жильё. Однако с учётом репутации «Гранели» можно лишь сделать предположение, что очередной скандал не за горами… Власти Крыма в этой ситуации должны позаботиться о том, чтобы рынок окончательно не рухнул. Нужно как можно скорее принять все необходимые шаги, чтобы сохранить доверие потребителей к крымским застройщикам. Также требуется система заградительных мер, не допускающая на полуостров застройщиков, испортивших свою репутацию в других регионах России. Это позволит избежать повторений ситуации с «КСК» и обеспечить развитие отрасли в целом. «Крымская правда». 14.03.2018
An entrepreneur from the city of Sibai (Bashkiria) asks him to protect him from dirty machinations, to which, according to him, he is drawn by State Duma deputy Andrei Nazarov. This is stated in the statement to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika from the financial director of LLC "BashStroyMontazh" Maltsev Alexander Stanislavovich.
"AG Nazarov said that we need to help our fellow countryman, the former head of the traffic police of the city of Sibay — Shagiyev Nuryakhmat Nurykhanovich, who is currently serving his sentence in the colony for the murder of the prosecutor of the city of Saibai Karachurin ...
At the end of September I came to Moscow, where I met AG Nazarov at a meeting. 100 thousand rubles, as well as verbal instructions that I must get to the city of Pechera of the Komi Republic and get there in ITK-49, where Shagiev is serving his sentence ...
Nazarov said that I should again go to Pechora and explain to Shagiyev NN that he should write the papers with his own hand, he must confess to them that he was really only a link between the perpetrators of the murder of the prosecutor Karachurin and the customer of the crime. Shagiev N.N. should write that the customer of this murder was Sarbaev RS, who promised to help him after all, but to date has not done anything "
"Regnum". 21.04.2009.
Republican media consider Nazarov the initiator of the information attack on the Prime Minister of Bashkiria Rail Sarbaev .... In December of the same year, State Duma deputies from Bashkiria, including Nazarov, handed to the law enforcement agencies the statement of the former head of Saibai Nurykhmat Shagiyev, in which Sarbaev was named the customer of the murder of the prosecutor Sibai Hanif Karachurin in 2003 ... Later in the republican press appeared reports that it was Nazarov, through an intermediary, negotiating with Shagiev, persuading him to declare Sarbaev in exchange for a review of the verdict. There were even transcripts of the records of the deputy’s talks with the mediator. 10/26/2009
The Kirov District Court of Ufa recognized as invalid the diploma of the second higher education issued to the State Duma deputy from the United Russia party to Andrei Nazarov ... At the time of his admission to the Bashkir higher education institution, Nazarov presented a diploma on the first higher education obtained in 1995 at the Kazakh State Academy of Management (now — Kazakh Economic University named after Ryskulov). The representative of the prosecutor’s office presented the court with a response to the prosecutor’s request, which states that Nazarov is not among the graduates of KazGUU. 10/26/2009
In 2009, the Internal Affairs Directorate in the Kirovsky district of Ufa launched a pre-investigation check against Nazarov on suspicion of committing a crime under article 327 of the Criminal Code (forgery of documents). But Nazarov is not a very poor man, so he figured out this problem. The terms of the pre-investigation check were repeatedly prolonged until in 2010 it was decided to deny the initiation of the case ...
In Nazarov’s personal data, ZhB-11 diploma No. 0062051 dated May 25, 1995, issued in Kazakhstan on the specialty "Economics and management in trade and public catering", is included as the first, basic higher education. An official request from the Kazakh Economic University, once called the Alma-Ata Institute of Public Education, was answered that Nazarov Andrei Gennadievich was not listed in the graduates, he did not get a diploma No. ЖБ-11 № 0062051 ". Meanwhile, the deputy defended his Ph.D. thesis, constantly raising his educational level. All this forms a crime forging of documents. 01/31/2018
In the Lukino quarter of the city of Balashikha, Granel Development Company is laying a high-pressure gas pipeline through private fenced areas. Documents other than the warrant — no. The order specifies cadastral quarters: 50: 15: 004 0302/01 without a specific binding to the terrain — i.e. kilometer to the right, kilometer to the left — dig where you want. Digging at sites 199, 265 266,192,203. In the quarter of Lukino, more precisely to the north of the Lukino quarter, it is planned to build a new micro-neighborhood of the "Alekseevskaya Roshcha" housing estate, which residents also recently learned, because the lands belonged to farmland. How they became a different category — a question for the prosecutor’s office ... The board of directors of the Granel group of companies is headed by the famous Bashkir businessman Ilshat Nigmatullin. Mr. Nigmatullin’s business partner is another businessman, known in the republic, and now a State Duma deputy Andrei Nazarov (member of the United Russia faction, vice-president of Business Russia). At different times, Mr Nigmatullin and Nazarov headed the Bashkir Trade and Industry Union.
The main owners of Granel Development LLC are Larisa Nazarova (45.2%), Svetlana Nigmatullina (45.2%), Yury Chistyakov (10%), Andrey Tsvet (5%).
grandbasisha.rf 29.10.2012
According to one version, the "Graneli" is warmly treated, because it helped the authorities of the Moscow region cope with long-term construction. Another version is less noble: a special attitude can be connected with the personality of the chairman of the board of directors of Graneli Andrei Nazarov. He was a State Duma deputy in one term with the current governor of the Moscow region, Andrei Vorobyov. As partisans, Nazarov and Vorobiev solved approximately the same range of issues.
Now the companies that make up the backbone of Graneli are run by Nazarova’s sister and son-in-law — Svetlana and Ilshat Nigmatullina. The share in affiliated with "Granel" companies is owned by Nazarova’s wife Larissa. Their son is in the position of a top manager in several parent offices. Such closeness to business does not prevent him from working as a deputy in the Bashkir city of Sibai (from there his father comes).
Life. 02/26/2018
Podmoskovnym courts itself, "Granel" is well known. Almost immediately after the Bashkir developer appeared on the local market, lawsuits were filed in the courts of the Moscow region. Grudged co-investors complain that "Granel" did not provide on time apartments, business partners who did not wait for payment. Sometimes even officials.
Judging by the materials of the cases, the methods of doing business "Graneli" are very diverse — from simple default of obligations to the seizure of someone else’s property ...
"Granel" caused disgrace in the Moscow construction supervision, he regularly gave her instructions for the discrepancies with the project, the lack of necessary documents, and there were shoals more serious, in particular, it was revealed that at the initial stage of construction of the Gosudarev House LCD complex near the town of Vidnoe "Granel" used cheaper construction materials than was supposed to be on the project.
Life. 02/26/2018
In Russia, more than 170 granite deposits, but Moscow buys a stone in only a few — 89% of granite for city streets produced by three companies that own granite deposits. At the same time, under Yuri Luzhkov, the mayor’s office acquired several granite deposits in Karelia and Khakassia. They belonged to the city’s Moscow Stone-Processing Plant, which, however, did not receive orders from the government of Sobyanin — in 2016 the enterprise supplied less than 1,500 square meters of granite tiles for the My Street program. Since March 2017, the company owns Granel. Its main business — development: "Granel" is building residential complexes in Moscow and Moscow region (for example, "Imperial Mytischi"); the company belongs to the immigrants from the Bashkir city of Sibay, the former State Duma deputy and the co-chairman of the Delovaya Rossiya association Andrei Nazarov and his business partner Ilshat Nigmatullin, who own the shopping center and hotels in Magnitogorsk and several cities in Bashkortostan. On the fate of the deposits previously owned by Moscow, the change of ownership was not affected; as far as can be judged, the plant is in a pre-bankruptcy state.
"JELLYFISH". 10/19/2017
The famous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova has been traveling to Bashkortostan for several years with her charity concerts "Symphony of Goodness", in which local children take part.
Last year, Volochkova visited Tuymazy and Oktyabrsky, and in Ufa and Sterlitamak acted in a new role — a dramatic actress, playing in the comedy "Lady" along with Sergei Astakhov and Andrei Kharitonov. True, unlike charity concerts, performances with the ballerina’s participation were of little success-for some reason in Ufa the production was not canceled only thanks to the help of sponsors, one of whom was the well-known businessman and chairman of the Bashkir branch of the Association of Lawyers of Russia, Andrei Nazarov.
The ballerina on her page refers to the 46-year-old businessman-lawyer as "a good friend". At the play, Nazarov was not seen, but did not leave Volochkov without attention. In the final of the comedy, the lady rose to the stage of the "Congress Hall" and whispered something to Anastasia in her ear and handed her a huge bouquet of white roses.
Oh, is this from Andrei Gennadyevich? — the ballerina has loudly repeated and, having shown a bouquet to a hall, has added. — It is a masterpiece! In fact, Andrei Gennadievich Nazarov is an amazing person, thanks to whom all my charity concerts on your land took place. I am very grateful to him.
"Komsomolskaya Pravda-Ufa". 01/12/2018
A few years ago, the spouse of Andrei Nazarov declared income of 69.7 million rubles. This is 60 times more than earned by her husband, and twice as much as Granel owed to the firm SKG. She built an apartment complex in Mytishchi, commissioned by Graneli. Theoretically, the daughter-in-law of the co-owner of Graneli could pay this debt out of one of his personal income. However, the developer is pulling with the payment of works for more than six months ...
Life found three more businessmen who similarly suffered from "Graneli". The information that Granel practices a dubious scheme is also confirmed by Andrei Mishustin, the head of another contractor company, MIZ-8. He added: it’s done on purpose.
- They take affiliated firms, put them on an object and through contracting firms conclude contracts with contractors. Then they bankrupt these affiliated firms, — has told to Life Mishustin. — That is, even if everything is fine with the money and all the apartments will be sold, and the house is delivered in order not to pay extra to the contractors, they will bankrupt it.
The company Mishustina worked in the LCD "Valentinovka Park."
Life. 02/26/2018
At the Yalta forum other developers also advertised their projects. Among them there is an ambiguous company "Granel". This is one of the largest developers of the Moscow region, in 2017 the company took the second place in terms of sales.
Nevertheless, the contractors of the "Graneli" declare that they do not see the money. That is, all the work is done, but they do not get paid ...
At the moment, the Crimean developers assume that the company "Granel" can repeat the Moscow scenario and offer to complete the "Sea Quarter" in Alushta or even some of the unfinished projects of the KSK. In this case, the developer will receive an excellent land plot and be able to work on it as he wishes. It would seem that the bad? There will be jobs at the construction site, people will receive housing. However, taking into account the reputation of "Graneli" you can only make the assumption that another scandal is just around the corner ...
The authorities of the Crimea in this situation should take care that the market does not collapse completely. We need to take all necessary steps as soon as possible in order to preserve consumer confidence in the Crimean developers. Also, a system of barrier measures is required that does not allow developers on the peninsula to spoil their reputation in other regions of Russia. This will avoid the repetition of the situation with the "KSK" and ensure the development of the industry as a whole.
"Crimean truth". 03/14/2018