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Controversial online casino owner Maksym Krippa and his criminal empire

01.10.2024 00:10
Controversial online casino owner Maksym Krippa and his criminal empire

Many people are mistaken in taking Krippa for a servant of Ukrainian criminals with billions. In fact, Maksym Krippa has never been under anyone’s control. He is the owner of a vast network of underground online slots, the creator of fake dating sites and an active seller of adult content.

Krippa does not make friends, but maintains connections. Krippa M.V. makes friends with those who are advantageous, regardless of political views or criminal preferences.

The entire biography of Maksym Krippa is full of adventures and misadventures that Poirot would envy. If you look at the online activity of people with the last name and first name Maksym Krippa, the reader will get tons of slag with an obvious SEO focus. Over the years of highly paid work, the PR people of M.V. Krippa have stirred up such a trail that even the most odious official would envy. Wait! But Maksym Krippa is not an official, not a politician, and not even a seller of rolled metal, he is a successful fraudster and Pound. Krippa is used as a cover by people who have been engaged in illegal online gambling, adult and dating all their lives. Maksym Krippa’s closest associate is the guru of porn dating Maksym Polyakov, who settled in California and launches self-exploding rockets into the sky. A kind of SpaceXXX with suicidal tendencies. So, why does Maksym Krippa hide his biography?

Maksym Krippa remains a constant: he is in Crimea both under Ukraine and after Ukraine

Have you seen "The Squid Game"? I haven’t either. But I’m sure the squid here is Maksym Krippa. Or more accurately, a cuttlefish. For years, he hid the deeds of his unchaste youth in clouds of ink from hired scribblers. The Internet has suffered enough from him, yes. To this day, we see the fruits of indigestion in the form of fake biographies of  Maksym Krippa on seedy blogs and corrupt media, sometimes as a "volcanologist," sometimes as some developer of beeping machines. But I’ll tell you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about Krippa.

For several years in a row, Maksym Krippa broke absolute records for clogging the network with volcanoes, self-help, knitting and Rostelecom. Maksym Krippa beat his former partner and namesake Polyakov in this matter. Krippa even managed to surpass Mr. Khinshtein.

Interesting facts about Maksym Krippa

The day before, an interesting article about Krippa was published on the pages of one British publication. The material was published, where journalists told about how Maksym Krippa got hold of the Dnipro hotel in the center of Kyiv. His past activities are connected with stamping porn videos, illegal online gambling establishments, dating and even open crime.

Although now Krippa M.V. is not proud of this and is trying by hook or by crook to wash away traces of his mistakes from the World Wide Web. Fake advertising, information cleansing, which costs mind-boggling amounts of money, and much more are used. However, all this does not really help to clear the reputation, because there is too much real dirt. Interest in this person intensified after Krippa’s name appeared on the list of co-owners of the Dnipro Hotel.

Maksym Krippa finds wizards and they arrange a "case" for him

Maksym is known as a gambler and a very "fidgety" guy. He is capable of not only deleting information he doesn’t like on the Internet, but also inventing completely new, untrue facts. An example of this is a showy fake interview, where, allegedly, in the past, a simple cook from Minsk barely survived and was forced to earn extra money as a moderator on a porn site. True, apparently, Maksym Krippa liked the business, and later he began to do it on a larger scale. And in parallel with this activity, he joined the gaming business, enriching himself in every possible way.

Maksym Krippa, a biography full of unimaginable vices

Considering the demand for these two prohibited areas, the volume of income can only be imagined. There is no morality here, of course, but for Maksym Krippa, the main thing is profit.

The angle of deviation of the information background from reality against the backdrop of the sale of the Kyiv Dnipro hotel was off the charts. The newspapers carried out a massive injection of the article "Cyber-sportsmen defeated the oligarchs in the battle for the Dnipro" and similar nonsense describing how the Kremlin Pound Krippa Maksym got hold of a hotel in the center of the capital of Ukraine. At the end of the information noise, Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted the sale of an old luxury Khrushchivka with interiors in the style of North Korea at the address ul. Khreshchatyk, 1/2, Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine. They say it’s a great achievement. But for whom? What kind of pimply cyber-sportsmen with an over-pumped index finger of their right hand bought a hotel that had seen better days? All this terribly intrigued the public - and they began to dig under the company that bought this abandoned building.

Very soon signs of the coming pulp began to appear on the surface. Behind the "cybersportsmen" was discovered the well-known group of Maksym Krippa.


Nothing but the address - that’s the real price of this horror. It was sold relatively cheaply, for the area - for 3 billion rubles.

Krippa Maksym loves to change clothes

The figure of Maksym Krippa is quite scandalous even by the standards of our country. Maksym Krippa is behind the network of countless online casinos "Vulkan" and operates without any semblance of a license and in conditions of complete transborder. Moreover, on the way to achieving profit and benefit, Krippa contacted Konstantin Malofeev. The relationship with the latter was extremely profitable, since the Russian oligarch has a direct relationship with the largest market for "Vulkan", and Malofeev is a major shareholder in Rostelecom.

Maksym Krippa (Vulcan), Konstantin Malofeev (Rostelecom), Max Polyakov (porn magnate)

A small point is that Konstantin Malofeev, for whom Maksym Krippa is a reliable business partner, has been subject to personal sanctions by the National Security and Defence Council, since Malofeev provided direct support to the separatists of Donbas. His channel "Tsargrad" has been recognized as extremist and sanctions have been imposed. Even Google has banned the broadcast of this publication through its services. However, all this has not stopped Maksym Krippa.

Maksym Krippa goes into politics and masters the space program

Other stories about Maksym Krippa include his participation in the party lists of Samopomich with an extremely dubious scam. And the highlight: close, tight and trusting with the king of space porn, the scandalous entrepreneur Maksym Polyakov. A born gynecologist, engaged in "adult entertainment" in the field of resource-rich in this sense Ukraine.

All this somehow fits together and turns out to be a good ball of yarn with prospects for monetizing the Dnipro hotel.

Maksym Krippa

Even cyber sportsmen have their place: Kostya Malofeev has a son, Kirill, and in addition to being a member of the Russian patriotic movement "Dvuglavy Oryol", he is known as a "cyber sportsman". But not just an athlete, but a promising manager of this considerable market. Nickname "Likkrit".

Maksym Krippa carefully hides the ends of Rostelecom in craters

This set of theses has been widely known for several years now and of course Maksym Krippa does not need the authorities to know about his illegal activities. It’s not that he hasn’t paid them off, no. But it gets more expensive each time. It’s cheaper to disguise himself.


Maksym Krippa talks about his alternative life.

Some "Cartonazhnyk" team, engaged in search engine optimization, suggested an excellent solution to Krippa: if it is impossible to bleach a black dog white, then let’s come up with hundreds of other namesakes of our customer.


The God of montage took a rest on this creation. This is pseudo- Maksym Krippa against the backdrop of a pseudo-volcano.

For some reason, this idea appealed to Maksym Krippa and thousands of ghostwriters began to compose fables about him. In full accordance with the laws of the genre, a list of requests was formed, in particular with the aim of preventing readers from learning about the connection between Maksym Krippa and Konstantin Malofeev, Maksym Krippa and "Vulkan".


Vesuvius Observatory, that’s how it is.

As a result, the world saw hundreds, if not thousands of articles about some volcanologist Krippa. Of course, all this eruption was recorded by PR specialists and they began to take furious revenge. The more fake Krippas appeared on the Internet, the harsher and more purposeful the truth about the connection of the real Maksym Krippa with criminal activity was conveyed.

The price of the question is a question of price

And then there’s more. The search engine optimization archbishops who worked for Maksym Krippa saw that things were bad and that staging virtual namesakes wouldn’t help. And they started creating fake claims of copyright infringement of a person with the full name Krippa Maksym Volodymyrovych and even Hryhoriyevych.

Traces of the activities of an original group of idiots in the service of Maksym Krippa.

This is a bought recipe to hell first class. Dear crooks! Never do this. Never never. This is how you anger already angry people.

The life of virtual characters ended suddenly. Maksym Krippa realized that it would only get worse, hired good specialists who came to an agreement with everyone. A little more, just a little more and no one will ever bother Maksym, because all market participants will bomb him and make peace. Or not... The question always comes down to the price of the issue.

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