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The dark side of Maksym Krippa: What does the fraudster hide behind the wall of lies and absurdity?

03.10.2024 20:10
The dark side of Maksym Krippa: What does the fraudster hide behind the wall of lies and absurdity?

Maksym Krippa is one of the most mysterious people whose activities we have studied over many years of work in the media.

Open sources indicate that Krippa is a hoaxer who creates false stories about himself to hide his true biography.

It is not so easy to throw sand in the eyes of the watchful eyes of journalists. Moreover, in the example of Krippa it is obvious that "the thief’s cap is on fire".

With tons of useless information, he himself demonstrates that he has something to hide. Sources suggested that Krippa is very afraid that journalists will find out about his illegal activities, then our vigilant readers, and then law enforcement will begin investigating the many episodes of criminal activity of the fake person.

Our article describes how Krippa is trying to hide his crimes under a huge array of fictitious materials.

The patient is unwell

Reading the information about Maksym Krippa that is circulating on the World Wide Web can drive you crazy.

For every real article about the fraudster’s activities, you will come across a dozen absolutely delirious articles. If you simply type his name and surname into a search engine, the system will give the following information: Maksym Krippa, Danish, Norwegian, Argentine or German football player, or football figure, or football coach.

All these materials recall the names of great football clubs: Liverpool, Lazio, Liverpool, PSG and others. Some links leading to Krippa’s "biography" are just a scam, where you will be happily told that you are a lucky person, and today you can get a brand new iPhone 14 for free.

The only conclusion we can draw from such a stream of frankly delusional information is that Krippa is trying to cover up the criminal traces in his biography very cheaply. And, as we have managed to establish, he really does have reasons to worry.

Krippa is not a football player, not a football figure, and not a coach. It is unknown why such fakes are being massively distributed on the Internet. Perhaps the fake person really loves football, and thus combines business with pleasure, posting fake information straight from a hospital ward.

The flow of fictitious materials never stops. Almost every day a new fantastic story about the football successes of the athlete Maksym Krippa appears on garbage sites. In addition, in the public sphere you can find materials about Krippa being a famous Russian volcanologist. And, by the way, there is something true in this, because he is the organizer of the online casino "Vulkan". But first things first. But even this is not the end of the fraudster’s fantasy. On some sites he acts as a nutritionist. A talented man, what else can you say.

What is Krippa hiding?

The tons of fake information that Krippa produces day after day is a kind of strategy. He wants to seem like the "city madman" to avoid responsibility. This behavior is nothing new. History has hundreds of examples of maniacs, murderers, and even corrupt officials trying to pretend to be mentally ill so that they would be sent to a hospital instead of to prison.

It is not by chance that Krippa "dodges". Not only from his sources, but also from documents, one can learn that he is the organizer of illegal bookmaking games. In addition, Krippa is behind the activities of the porn industry and online casinos. The whole bouquet of offenses of the fake person could pull a long prison term. Therefore, in order for the episodes of criminal activity not to be so noticeable, Krippa continues his fantastic stories.

Expose the fraudster

There is a lot of information about Krippa’s date and place of birth circulating online. Thanks to our sources, we were able to establish that Krippa was born in Kyiv on August 11, 1978. This year, he will celebrate his 45th birthday. In addition to his Kyiv residence permit on Honchara Street in the city’s historic center, he previously stated that he owned real estate in the United Arab Emirates at the following address: Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed Boulevard, Apartment 3605.

The house on Honchara Street in Kyiv where Krippa is registered

As for Krippa’s registration in Dubai, we have serious doubts that the fraudster had housing there. The apartment listed in Krippa’s documents is located in the very center of Dubai. The minimum cost of housing there is from 1.4 million dirhams (about 400 thousand dollars).

The house where Krippa was previously registered in the UAE

The fraudster leads a very secretive life. He does not live in the house in question. His grandmother and mother are also registered at this address. It is known that Krippa set up an illegal casino in the house, installing "one-armed bandits". This fact has been repeatedly investigated, but in all cases the criminal managed to solve his problems with law enforcement.

Krippa’s social media is as secretive as his life in general. He has only two posts on his Facebook page.

Screenshots of Krippa’s Facebook page

But still, in some cases he managed to "get busted". In Ukraine, he has both illegal and legal businesses. In total, Krippa acts as a director/beneficiary/founder in 11 different enterprises. Krippa advertised one of his businesses through custom-made material on one of the websites.

Hidden schemes of Maksym Krippa: What is the fraudster trying to hide behind a heap of absurd articles?

The link takes us to the company MaksymOff.ART, which is definitely named after the founder of the business.

Krippa’s enterprise offers services in creating and promoting websites. Indeed, one of the areas in the fraudster’s legal business is the development, design, maintenance and promotion of websites.

It is interesting that the company’s website indicates the location address - Kyiv, Sportyvna Square, 1a.  At this address is located one of the most elite shopping, entertainment and business centers "Gulliver". At the same time, the map posted on the MaksymOff.ART website indicates that the business is located in New York, USA.

Shopping and entertainment center "Gulliver"

As we were able to establish, in fact, Krippa’s company was not and is not there. The address was most likely used to give the business a solid appearance. However, Krippa did not appreciate the fact that in the 21st century, you can get any information you are interested in.

A whole book could be written about Krippa’s fraudulent schemes. Therefore, the continuation of the materials about the illegal activities of the Ukrainian "businessman" follows...

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