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High-ranking protectors and hundreds of millions in his pockets: Investigators will make corruptionist Artur Palatnyi answer for all his schemes

12.03.2025 10:10
High-ranking protectors and hundreds of millions in his pockets: Investigators will make corruptionist Artur Palatnyi answer for all his schemes

In Ukraine, corrupt officials and politicians are occasionally declared wanted after being freely allowed to leave the country with stolen funds.

And only afterwards are they declared suspects and wanted. A frightening regularity, isn’t it? I wonder if law enforcement and special services will allow the mayor of Kyiv, Vitaliy Klychko, and his associate Artur Palatnyi, who have close ties to international crime, to "teleport" to one of the European countries in the same way, robbing the capital and unscrupulously enriching themselves on the army during the war? Let’s start with links to crime.

The grandson of a criminal authority serves the "UDAR" organized crime group of Klychko-Palatnyi

Meet Anatoliy Milyavskyi (in the photo below), born in 1987. Owner of "TM FORTUNA" LLC and "ZASLON-BUD" LLC, and concurrently, a money carrier from Artur Palatnyi’s shadow cash register. On the black Toyota Camry with the number AA 7878 ET, he carries the "black" cash of the "UDAR" organized crime group. And if there’s really a lot of money, he transports it with an escort in a black Volkswagen Multivan.

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These cars have been repeatedly seen under the "TOOTSIE" brothel. The brothel is located in the house of the capital’s mayor, Vitaliy Klychko, who is Palatnyi’s godfather, the head of the "UDAR" party, and the shadow "wallet" of the same-named organized crime group.

The NABU, law enforcement, and special services should promptly take this character under their wing. Milyavskyi will definitely lead you to both Palatnyi and Klychko. 100% their person.

Briefly about the aforementioned brothel. The non-residential premises, in which the "TOOTSIE" club is located by pure chance, gathering night butterflies and their pimps, is owned by PJSC "TEATRALNE". Its official beneficiaries are a certain Volodymyr Klychko (Monaco), as well as Lidiya and Leonid Palatnyi (mother and father of Artur Palatnyi), and not our mayor and his friend Artur Palatnyi.

Leonid Palatnyi and Volodymyr Klychko

"Black cash desk" of the "Udar" organized crime group: Is shadow "wallet" of Klychko, Artur Palatnyi, about to face charges?

On January 21 of this year, law enforcement conducted authorized searches at the "TOOTSIE" club, during which police found drugs and weapons. A scheme of forcing girls to provide sexual services to clients was organized in the club. Members of the organized crime group hired workers as dancers, but then began to threaten them and force them to work in the underground brothel. Hidden video recording of visitors was also carried out in the establishment, which was then used for further blackmail. Such is the business of the Klychko brothers and the Palatnyi family.

Returning to the carrier of the shadow money of Palatnyi and the "UDAR" organized crime group, Anatoliy Yuliyovych Milyavskyi. He is the grandson of the criminal authority Anatoliy Yakovych Milyavskyi. A true godfather of the Ukrainian mafia, with whom Klychko and Palatnyi are friends. Anyone else doubting when everyone claims that Klychko and Palatnyi are the true Kyiv mafia? The mafia that has been robbing Kyiv residents and destroying the capital for over ten years.

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Anatoliy Milyavskyi, born in 1945, has the nicknames "Max" and "Fortuna" in the criminal world. He is a cousin of the international criminal Seva Mogilevich (Semion Yudkovych Mogilevich), known as the "king of the Russian mafia", and is his "watcher" in Kyiv. Vitaliy Klychko and Artur Palatnyi have long-standing friendly and "business" relations with Max-Fortuna. Here’s what the media wrote about this back in 2013.

"Black cash desk" of the "Udar" organized crime group: Is shadow "wallet" of Klychko, Artur Palatnyi, about to face charges? 

Given the fact that Milyavskyi Sr.’s second criminal nickname is "Fortuna", a quite real connection with the "UDAR" organized crime group can be traced. His grandson-transport is the owner of TM "FORTUNA" LLC, and Artur Palatnyi’s mother, Lidia Borysivna Palatna, is the owner, together with Volodymyr Klychko, of FORTUNA PLUS LLC. Well, the guys aren’t really hiding, agree. There’s a lot of work for the DSR here. Let’s move on.

Officials of the Kyiv City State Administration (KCSA) together with the leadership of the 112th Territorial Defence Brigade were stealing funds on drone purchases

The Specialized Military Prosecutor’s Office is investigating the embezzlement of funds allocated by the KCSA to the 112th Territorial Defence Brigade. The amount in question is hundreds of millions of hryvnia. We learned this from criminal case No. 42024113330000026 of February 29, 2024, under the criminal offense signs described in Part 2 of Article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

According to the investigation, since 2022, officials from the Kyiv City State Administration (KCSA) and the municipal security department, in collusion with representatives of the 112th Territorial Defence Brigade and private companies, organized a scheme to appropriate budget funds. They signed contracts for the supply of goods and services for defence needs at inflated prices, avoiding public tenders.

"Black cash desk" of the "Udar" organized crime group: Is shadow "wallet" of Klychko, Artur Palatnyi, about to face charges?  

In 2023-2024, the military unit received 615 million UAH for the purchase of drones and other equipment. Subsequently, funds were cashed through fictitious companies, and profits were distributed among the scheme participants. During the search in the unit, investigators seized commercial proposals:

LLC "INFLENS" (No. 189 of August 28, 2024) LLC "ROBOTREND" (No. 08/28/2 of August 28, 2024) LLC "OIL TRANS" (No. 24-2908 of August 29, 2024) LLC "UKRDOZVIL" (No. 24-23-2 of August 23, 2024) LLC Firm "MINERAL-PLUS" (No. 24/08/23-2 of August 23, 2024) LLC "PRIME TECHNOLOGY LIMITED" (No. 2-08/24-23 of August 23, 2024)

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the 112th Territorial Defence Brigade was given special attention by Klychko and Palatnyi. In ten months of 2024, 600 million UAH from the city budget was allocated for its needs. Both Klychko and Palatnyi most often visit mainly the 112th Territorial Defence Brigade. We will not describe all the visits of the "UDAR" organized crime group to this part so as not to waste your time. Those interested can find plenty of information online. And Klychko Junior, who sang praises of the talents of the president of the country-aggressor and occupier, even enrolled in its ranks in February 2022. From that moment, he has not been seen in this part.

Here’s what journalist Volodymyr Boyko writes: "The 112th separate Territorial Defence brigade has never been to the front. Separate battalions subordinated to this brigade constantly participate in hostilities, but the 112th separate Territorial Defence brigade itself, as military unit A7040, never has. Because it performs, perhaps, the most important combat mission - the best people of Kyiv are fictitiously listed on military service here: fighters against corruption, singers by mouth, and professional public activists, who live at home, walk around Kyiv restaurants, and receive monetary allowances for military personnel.

Until recently, the 112th separate Territorial Defence brigade ’fought’ in Kyiv - it was more convenient for deferrers fictitiously enlisted for military service. But in 2024, due to the increase in the number of those wishing to serve under Colonel Kosenko, the brigade’s staff was significantly increased, and it was withdrawn to the Vyshhorod district of the Kyiv region. Because Kyiv is not rubber."

Thus, considering the unscrupulousness and gluttony of the top leadership of the capital, there are all reasons to believe that behind the embezzlement of budget funds allocated for defence, the ears of Kyiv’s mayor Vitaliy Klychko, his right-hand man Artur Palatnyi, and individuals close to them, are sticking out. It is impossible, from the word in general, that hundreds of millions passed by the pockets of swindlers from the Kyiv City State Administration.

It would be desirable to see an adequate response from law enforcement and special services to the information we highlighted, to prevent the mentioned figures from leaving the country to avoid punishment. Especially since the "wallet" of the organized crime group, Artur Palatnyi, suspiciously remains silent on social media, which is extremely uncharacteristic for him. His last messages on Telegram and Facebook are dated February 28 and published at the same time, at 22:48.

Here a task with three unknowns is emerging: Has he already left? Is he preparing to leave? Is he trying to solve the issue?

We will find out the answer very soon.
