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Andrei Ryabinskiy and MMC: How the \"black\" developer makes billions from \"scamming\" clients and investors

22.03.2025 11:10
Andrei Ryabinskiy and MMC: How the "black" developer makes billions from "scamming" clients and investors

MMC’s owner, Andrey Ryabinskiy, has abandoned Russia, leaving investors without any prospects.

If this is the case, then it becomes clear why he might confidently apply to the Guinness Book of Records for the number of dissatisfied residents in the homes built by his company.

Reading the reviews of these unfortunate people makes you want to tear your hair out: where were the mayor of the capital, Sergey Sobyanin, and his "squires" from the Moscow Government looking?

Are they really unaware of how many disgruntled citizens are left with GC "MMC" objects? And who will answer for all this?

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The stories of big scandals associated with housing for orphaned children in Balashikha and complaints from new settlers in such residential complexes as "Yuzhnoe Bunino", "Tsvetochnyye Polyany", "Novograd Pavlino", and many others are invaluable.

But as they say, the dog barks, and the caravan goes on! Today, GC "MMC" is already actively advertising a new construction project - "Kashtanovye Alleys", calmly stepping over their new buildings, in which everything rattles and falls apart, as they write in the reviews.

Muscovites-newcomers have repeatedly complained that when moving into one of the new capital developments, they are forced to open up floors and walls to correct the unfinished work. Some say they eventually wait weeks for elevator repairs, cursing the hapless builders.

But where does such a "carte blanche" for large-scale activities come from? Perhaps Sergey  Sobyanin is wearing “rose-colored” glasses, through which the houses we promised paradise appear heavenly, albeit framed by stalactites of mold and fungus. A correspondent from The Moscow Post investigated the situation.

Scandal with the "Novograd Pavlino" residential complex

In 2019, Mr. Ryabinskiy had a scandal with the company " MMC Development". Besides the enormous number of claims against the company from clientele about the quality of construction—cracks in houses, "floating" underground parking—at that time it turned out that the company also had problems with documents!

Prosecutors discovered that the land on which the "Novograd Pavlino" residential complex was built was illegally transferred to the developer.

What did the developer promise the buyer? The "Novograd Pavlino" complex was supposed to be a paradise for those who buy housing here—cozy, beautiful houses in an ecologically clean place, with clinics and schools within arm’s reach. This was the promise of the developer. However, in reality, the districts built by the company " MMC Development" often don’t even have children’s playgrounds. And the residential quarter in Pavlino should not have appeared.

The Balashikha Prosecutor’s Office stated this, indeed confirming that the land transfer to Mr. Ryabinskiy’s company was illegal.

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According to the authors of the site "Olgino.info", a presentation was made against the head of the administration.

Nevertheless, the regional urban planning council still approved the building of the house. How was this possible? It was 2014 on the calendar, and at that time, Balashikha was headed by the scandalous mayor, Yevgeniy Zhirkov, suspected of close ties with local crime.

Former Mayor Yevgeniy Zhirkov

Yevgeniy Zhirkov, as local journalists wrote, was sharing millions in bribes with the crime lord Anatoliy Petrov, also known as Petruha. In particular, this was claimed by the authors of the site "Olgino.info"

But Zhirkov carried out so-called "gray" schemes not only with crime lords. From such close cooperation between the administration and "GC MMC" of Mr. Ryabinskiy, orphans in Balashikha also suffered. They received their apartments not in new buildings but in old, dilapidated houses.

However, soon, Yevgeniy Zhirkov still ended up in pre-trial detention...

Mr. Ryabinskiy, it seems, then got off with a slight fright?

Support from Sobyanin?

And despite the loud scandals, "GC MMC" continues to receive land for development.

Not so long ago, the developer received an urban planning plan for the land plot at Shosseynaya Street, 90. But GC "MMC" appears as an organization that shareholders of "Klenovye Alleys", "Tsvetochnyye Polyany", "Novograd Pavlino", and "Yuzhnoe Bunino" asked the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation to check...

Why don’t Sergei Sobyanin’s officials notice the obvious?

Our colleagues, the TV journalists from "REN TV", managed to release an investigation about "paradise" homes with mold from GC "MMC".

"Collapsed tiles, cracks in the walls, flooded basements, damp entrances. This is the supposed paradise that PR managers of the MMC company propose to move into," commented the reporters of "REN TV" about their report.

The "Tsvetnye Polyany" complex was constructed by "Staroselie" LLC. This LLC belongs to "GC MMC" and the "Reserve" company.

The "Reserve" company—in turn—belongs to the offshore "Trainar Holding" (Cyprus). It is known that in various years, firms affiliated with " MMC Development" had six such foreign wallets.

Some liquidated companies related to Mr. Ryabinskiy even received state contracts.

The "MMC" Office - a Sham?

What is surprising is that Andrey Ryabinskiy tries to portray himself as a successful developer amidst loud scandals.

To clarify: many of Ryabinskiy’s GC "MMC" structures are mortgaged to banks, and the developer is already planning a new project. He purchased a plot in the village of Srednevo in New Moscow.

The landowner became the LLC "SZ "Srednevo", which was recently headed by a certain Vladimir Tretyakov. To clarify, Mr. Tretyakov is the head of many GC "MMC" structures. The developer’s founder—UK "Srednevo", whose share since October 3, 2021, has been mortgaged to the "Dom.RF" bank.

In UK "Srednevo", Vladimir Tretyakov received 9%, so it is unclear why the media represents Ryabinsky as the owner of the plot, while Tretyakov’s partners are Anatoliy and Vadim Kozeruk, also quite scandalous builders.

Now, "GC MMC" plans to build over 405,000 sq. m, of which 297,500 sq. m are housing, and the rest are infrastructure and commercial properties.

Ryabinskiy himself estimates the investments at 32 billion rubles, but the company doesn’t have such money because "GC MMC" operates on the principle of a construction pyramid, pawning assets to banks. It is assumed that Ryabinskiy might have taken money through LLC "SK "Govorovo", which had a loss of 3.8 billion rubles in 2020, with a revenue of 191 million rubles.

Further, until June 2021, Andrey Ryabinskiy was the owner of LLC "NV", which had a loss of 275 million rubles in 2020.

In LLC "Specialized Developer "MITS-MITS", the shares of its co-founders LLC "New Technologies" and LLC "Park Capital Group" are mortgaged to Sberbank.

The company has had no profit since 2016. In 2019, the loss was 589 million rubles.

And the share of LLC "New Technologies" was mortgaged with Sberbank several times thereafter.

The shares of Andrey Ryabinskiy and his partner Aleksandr Kopylkov in LLC "Finstroygroup" are mortgaged to Promsvyazbank.

It is also interesting that Mr. Ryabinskiy "gave birth" to several dozen organizations, most of which might be just "shell companies". After all, these "shell companies" have no employees. These companies are mortgaged to banks to get money.

An illustrative example could be the LLC "Specialized Developer "MMC Stroikapital". In August 2021, the tax authorities suspended operations on its accounts. The company’s founder—LLC " MMC "Region-1"—has its share mortgaged to Sovcombank.

It’s easy to get lost in the labyrinths of GC "MMC" structures: many of them have produced several "daughters", which are mortgaged to banks.

This is the whole "success" formula of billionaire Ryabinskiy.

Are criminal cases likely?

It seems they are!

In January 2021, criminal case №1201450058000061 was initiated against unidentified persons regarding the theft of goods worth 1 million rubles. The application to OMVD "Kuzminki" was filed by a certain Bulgakov A.M., a former business partner of Mr. Ryabinskiy.

Anton Bulgakov accused Andrey Ryabinskiy of extortion and theft. Allegedly, Ryabinskiy wanted to gain control over Bulgakov’s assets. This was reported by The Moscow Post.

As a result, Bulgakov ended up in a colony on a fabricated case.

According to Bulgakov’s words, the object of the encroachment was supposedly his real estate at Volgograd Avenue, 99.

Anton Bulgakov

Could Ryabinskiy have put pressure on Bulgakov to sell his property worth 100 million rubles for 2.5 million rubles? And isn’t that why the criminal case was initiated?

Let’s move further. GC "MMC" frequently ends up in scandals over delays in housing delivery and poor construction quality. For example, in the "Yuzhnoe Butovo" housing complex, the paint layer peeled off. A similar situation exists in the "Novograd Pavlino" complex in Balashikha. People complain that it’s impossible to live in the apartments due to damp walls.

Here are a few comments from the "Otzovik" website about GC "MMC" and the quality of constructions.

"Construction company " MMC Development". They deceive clients.


I wanted to buy an apartment from the company in Pavlino, my neighbor wanted to buy it first. He paid a reservation of 25,000 rubles, but it turned out that the house, supposedly commissioned, is under arrest! And my neighbor can’t buy the apartment now, the trials are ongoing... He will have to return the money for the reservation through the court. I called and asked if they were ready to issue the keys after the deal, within 2 weeks. They answered - ready. And naturally, they didn’t say that the houses are under arrest."

"GC "MMC" is rude, deceives, and cheats their buyers.


In January 2021, we decided to book a storage room in building 17 of the "Novograd Pavlino" residential complex. The house was still under construction, and viewing the storage room was impossible. That month, we signed the DDU for the storage room and reported that we wouldn’t pay for the additional service of DDU registration with Rosreestr, as we would submit it for registration independently by law. The sales manager of "Novograd Pavlino" rudely refused the independent submission of documents for registration. And they terminated the DDU without returning the money for the reservation... Don’t buy anything from these fraudsters, the houses freeze, there is mold on the walls, numerous lawsuits are ongoing, there is barely any infrastructure, it’s impossible to get into kindergartens, and there are 40 students in classrooms."

"Construction company " MMC Development" - regretted getting involved!


In August 2017, I bought an apartment with finishing in the "Novograd Pavlino" residential complex, delayed delivery by almost 8 months, had to go to court for compensation for the penalty. But that’s half the trouble, I already regretted buying an apartment with finishing a million times. The quality of finishing is so poor (700 thousand rubles) that it will require double the investment for demolition... I categorically do not recommend this developer."

And now, trials have been ongoing for almost 3 years over the complex in Govorovo and the "Zelenye Alleys" residential complex in Vidnoye city.

A bankruptcy application was once again received by the developer company "Stroykompleks "Govorovo", which is part of "GC MMC". Over the past 2 years, this is the seventh bankruptcy process. In general, 7 troubles, but not a single answer!

We hope that the investigative authorities will finally take an interest not only in the "paradise mold" in the residential buildings of GC "MMC" but also in the multifaceted personality of Mr. Ryabinskiy.
